Thursday, January 8, 2009

et al.

I forgot the most important part of a new year blog.....the RESOLUTION.

Last year was one of two resolutions that I carried through completion.

the first was in high school, I resoluted to stop drinking dark sodas. This caused a minuscule rift between me and some friends of mine who believed I should stop drinking ALL sodas, but aside from ginger ale when I was sick, I did not consume light-colored sodas on a regular basis....hence not needing to cut them out. They thought I was a soda racist. It was not that much of a success because shortly after that year ended I realized how much I missed dark sodas and now I can't go a day without a diet coke.

Last year's resoluting was to never use plastic carry-out bags. From the store, from the Chinese takeout place, etc. etc. etc.

It totally worked. I have not used a plastic bag since December 31st 2007...huzzah Environment!

This year I have been notsoawesome with the propelling of my resolution. But the momentum of last year still has me percolatin' so I decided to continue on even if it's been a week already into the new year and I haven't done anything yet.......

whew, that's a long ellipsis for.....I am hereby resoluting to drink a helluva lot more water. And to prove it to you, I have already bought a shiny new pink and purple fancy white people aluminum water drinking bottle from Target for the absurd price of 13.99!!!

Happy New Year!

fa la la

Not that anyone cares a flying flip about what goes on here....but yes, it's been awhile. I'm going to say "suck it." and not make apologies for my lack of blogging during the holidays because dammit, I've been busy.

Some things have happened since Thanksgiving, so, in short-

Had Christmas gatherings with the family in the far north...okay, the upstate.
I bought a new hat (it's a silly hat, very near Rastafarian, but the colors keep it from being has since become my ohjeezIcannotbelievehownastymyhairistodaythankgodI'myoungenoughtopulloffthisridiculoushat hat)
I acquired one boyfriend
I turned twenty-four
Said boyfriend made me meatloaf
Daniel came back to town
I was made an official Administrative Intern for a Children's Opera Company
I met boyfriend's mother
I made some spinach pizza
I started to re-read The Grapes of Wrath
I sang the Alto solo in the Messiah
I bartended (bartand?) on New Years at the Publick House, I am taking personal credit for the praise that Ron Aiken gave the establishment in the Free Times because I was the one pouring his drinks
Went to Garibaldi's and sat at the bar while said boyfriend made me a perfect gin martini (with a twist) while his co-workers and boss marvelled at how cute and fancy I am (I had some vintage pearl strands and a tiered gold and emerald costume piece that my dear friend G. Scott gave me with a black babydoll I bought years ago and matte legging and my superhigh wooden soled platform shoes)

That's about it, I know it's a lame recap, but I will allow my insatiable fabulousless make up for my lack of consistent communication

Friday, November 28, 2008

Televison, or my undeclared love for Anthony Bourdain

I do not own a televsion.

When I tell this to people, there is ALWAYS a response of approval. I get high fives and head nods and "way to go!" 's and "good for you!"'s, pats on the back and various other methods of allowing another human being know that you like what he/she is doing.

No one ever asks, presumably because they really don't care, but I continue this little interchange with a list of things that I do instead:

I read
I listen to talk radio
Laundry-okay, this one is a joke
I play my records and cds
I cook (consistantly failing at baking)
I organize my shoes (if you know me at all, you know what a task this is, in my five years of living in Columbia I have amassed a wonderfully decadent collection of shoes)
I check (in no particular order)
-the huffington post (that's a new one)
-the sartorialist's blog
-the daily digress
-craig's list (free stuff, bikes, furniture, and the missed connections and me, they're a hoot)
-sometimes the guardian uk if I'm feeling particularly uninformed

All of these things happen in my quaint little duplex in Olympia.

Technically, my attempt at television-less productivity is a BIG FAT LIE.
See, I can't afford a televsion. Nor can I afford the cable plan that I would need to go along with it. Actually, I can afford a small, cheap televsion with basic access cable, but that's out of the question because I would need a egregious, hi def flat screen with one million channels. I heart tv.

If I weren't a girl just out of college almost going to grad school this whole no-televsion thing wouldn't be a question.
I would devote a considerable amount of time obtaining that device and then another chunk of considerable time watching it.

But I am so I just make up for the rest of the year at Thanksgiving time in my Mother's guest bedroom watching No Reservations with Anthony Bourdain. I'm not going to tell you about this show because I don't feel like it, but I will say: It is almost perfect. I want to BE Anthony Bourdain. Then I want to marry him and have his babies and spend every waking moment looking at him and admiring his AMAZINGNESS.
Then I switch the channel back to the "What Not to Wear" Marathon and ponder yet again, "why do they thing that 5,000 dollars is enough to revamp a wardrobe?" Because it's not. I could take that money and spend every cent only on shoes and in half and hour.
Then I switch to the guide and ponder whether or not Paris Hilton's best friend search is trashy and entertaining enough for me to focus on but I pick "Dangerous Hippies" instead only to discover that it's ACTUALLY "Dangerous Hippos" and I would have noticed that if I had been wearing my glasses.

I've been doing this ALL DAY. But don't worry, I am not a pathetic triptophan-induced slug. I have inherited, from my Mother, the facinating ability to read and watch tv at the same time. I didn't even realize that I could do it until a couple of summers ago when I was Au Pair-ing in Auburn and I was made aware that I could pay attention to Hannah Montana AND read some Micheal Chabon novel at the same time. All the while making sure these children didn't walk off a cliff or stick their head into an oven. Does anyone need a babysitter?

So yeah, I've been reading too. The new cookbooks my Mother bought me. "Eat Me", and "Larousse Gastronomique". Because she knows what I'll be doing when I get home.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 24, 2008


There are two kinds of people in this world. Those who utilize vomiting for the greater good of their bodies, and those who are so repulsed by the act that they avoid regurgitation even at their own personal discomfort.

To the latter, suck it up. (ha, ha, get the pun?) I'm a member of the first category (thanks, Mama!) and, truthfully, my chunder knows no bounds. Here's a list of places I have thrown up. Don't ask me why I thought to write about this. I'm twisted, I know........

-the Blimpies on Colonial Life Blvd.
-The College of Preachers, Washington National Cathedral in DC
-in an airplane on the way to Salzburg
-in the basement bathrooms of the hostel in Gimmelwald, Switzerland
-Manifest Discs and Tapes
-in the garden of a particularly quaint stone B&B in the north of England, somewhere around the lake district
-Wade Hampton Dormitory Bathrooms, 1st floor
-2437 Monroe Street
-1817 York Drive
-329 Piccadilly Street
-a restaurant bathroom somewhere in Bejing
-the entrance to the Carolina Colonial Cup horseracing grounds
-University of South Carolina School of Music
-on the train platform in Venice, Italy (disturbingly near some Asian schoolgirls, I might add)
-a swanky NYC apartment overlooking Washington Square in the Village

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Chapter Two

I lost my findings. I think they're in a purse somewhere. Regardless, I think the outcome was more in favor of Steven Jacob Klipowitcz. Yes. I know I accidentally typed SPJ, perhaps I had Sarah Jessica Parker on the brain. Get over it.

ANYWAY.....Here's another attempt at the blogs.

I used to do it all the time. Now I only get the inkling to do it when I read other people's blogs. Mostly my friend Kate's. I have blog envy.

I wish I hadn't deleted all of the old myspace blogs. There was some good stuff in there.

I'm subbing right now for a friend of mine who works as an administrator for a music department. So I have a computer in front of me constantly. Therein lies the orgins of the blog envy.

Hopefully this won't be a sporatic thing.

Friday, August 15, 2008

The Dark Knight Movie Debacle

Chapter One

Herein lies the most interesting social phenomenon I've encountered to date.

Okay, so I may have tossed that with a dash of hyperbole, but it's only for point's sake.

I have never, in my entire life, come upon something (I initially thought to be so obvious and clean cut) that has presented itself to be, in all actuality, so divided.

First, let me recount the story..........

Several weeks ago I procured three tickets to view a midnight showing of the very highly anticipated new Batman movie, The Dark Knight. You may have heard of it. I was terribly excited, I enjoyed immensely the first Christian Bale-y Batman movie and was just plain stoked about the second. Being someone who does not watch a lot of movies, this whole shebang was quite the occasion.

The three movie attendees scheduled for attendance were my friends Greg and Elizabeth, and of course, myself. Both folks of high culture and awesome-friend status, I knew that the company involved would only enhance my Batman-watching. Needless to say, the whole ordeal was simply gaining in anticipation and titillation.

In an unhappy turn of events, the evening of the movie, Elizabeth caught a bout of the not-feeling-wells, and could not fulfill her ticket holding status.

Because I am a lady of grace and good fortune, I am lucky enough to have more than two friends, and I called upon my very near and dear, Bianca, to fill Elizabeth's spot. If you're adept enough to have read my past blogs, you'll know Bianca and her immediate history-for those of you who don't, in a short bit, Bianca is my movie-appreciating, soprano-singing, Canadian friend.
Being her movie-appreciating self, and also being otherwise unoccupied that Friday night, Bianca expressed genuine interest in our movie-going excursion.

Bianca is currently in a relationship with one, SJP*. SJP, at the time of THE DARK KNIGHT MOVIE DEBACLE was vacationing on Folly with two of his three pollack brothers.

Now, it was my understanding that SJP and Bianca had at one time or another, made known an interest in seeing The Dark Knight together. But the advent of a opening-night ticket gave Bianca a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see this highly anticipated blockbuster with her friends Greg and Jessica.

Not only is she Canadian, but she's understanding, generous, and a damn good girlfriend, so immediately after movie invitation, Bianca called (or texted, my memory fails me for some reason) SJP to alert him of this happenstance.

Let it be known that Bianca wanted very much to see this movie with SJP, and ALSO wanted to see the movie twice, and ALSO knew the importance of not divulging any movie plot turns, twists, or surprises. Thereby, she made a pledge, upon her seeing the film that night, she would refrain from discussion with SJP until after his viewing, with her, when he got back from vacation, three days later.


needless to say, SJP did NOT approve. There was a fallout. He hearkened to past promises of them seeing the movie together, combined with a plethora of reasons that she should not go, one long phone call, and a swift consultation of his ever present, vacationing brothers. The other pollacks agreed, Bianca should wait to see the movie with SJP.

This, in turn, resulted in a swift consultation with ME, wherein, I announced that Bianca should see it twice, once with me, once with SJP. At that moment-THE DARK KNIGHT MOVIE DEBACLE had begun.

The issue in question:

Should Bianca wait to see the movie with SJP, OR continue forth, see the movie with the available party, not tell SJP the details of the movie, and gladly see the movie again when he got back to town?

My immediate response was one of disgust. ARE YOU EFFING KIDDING ME? I thought. COULD HE BE THIS STUPID? I PAID FOR THAT TICKET AND NOW IT'S GONE TO WASTE? The last one, actually, had more to do with my state of aghast-ness, rather than the six-fifty or so I dropped on one, lousy ticket. To be completely honest, at the moment, I found SJP to be a complete lunatic.

Despite my claims at lunacy, Bianca was conciliatory and decided not to go.
Then there were two.

Arriving at the midnight showing, etickets confirmation and excitement in hand, sans third party, I met Greg somewhere around the front of the movies, allllllll ready to go.

We got our seating-tickets and waited a bit for the theater persons to open the doors. In the meanwhile, I sat behind a table and pretended to sign people up for a movie club, while Greg went to go get us some over-priced movie snacks.

Oh-so-nicely returning with popcorn for himself and the ever-illustrious Diet Coke for me, I brought up THE DARK KNIGHT MOVIE DEBACLE, retelling, in all of it's splendor, the moments from the past afternoon.

not fifteen seconds into the retelling, Greggles stopped me and said....

"oh sure, Bianca should wait for Steve..."

I'm sure passers-by could hear the screeching halt, and noted the Shaggy and Scooby-esque turning of head........WWHHHAT?!............this was my instinctive response.

Now, Greg is a friend of mine, and while in jest, some have heard me question his credibility, his level of intelligence, hair color, nose size, Lebanese family history, ability to spell, choice of sock, dance moves, worthiness as a human, character in get the idea....

but in all truth, I actually respect his opinion. At least more so than I respect SJP's.
Because everyone knows that the Lebanese have more stock than the Poles.

So I was forced to delve deeper into THE DARK KNIGHT MOVIE DEBACLE. I made Greg explain himself. He cited reasons of some unknown cosmic force that draws two in a relationship to see an anticipated movie for the first time, and that this certain experience is tarnished upon two viewings.

Still, I was doubtful.

He went on to explain the culture of of movie-coupledom, and how this has the possibility to exist even longer than the actual affections of the couple, and how this is an institution in American Dating.

I called Bullshit.

But our debate was serious, unlike about 97% of our other family-friendly arguments, as is the nature of our friendship.

So I took my findings and went out into the field. I conducted research that I will soon post in the next chapter, because what I have found may certainly shake the foundation for movie-watchers everywhere.

or it may just bore the crap out of you.

but read, react, and recount to your friends....because the conclusion is soon to come!

*see previous blog

Saturday, July 19, 2008


I have this friend named Steve. Steven Jacob Klipowicz, to be exact. Unless he has a baptism name, which I have not heard yet (because, let's face it, Steve is not privy to speaking in-depth about matters concerning Christianity).

For those who do not know Steve, the previous comment would appear to be snarky. I'm sure Steve will appriciate it's comedic value and timing.

I have known more than a handful of Stevens in my life, this one, is my most recent meeting.
Because I like lists, I'm going to make a list of the people I have hitherto known as "Steven"

My Step-Father
My little brother (his first name)
The guy who works behind the counter at Immac
Spanish Teacher
a one, Mr. Genco-a business student
a one, Mr. Gunter-a Baptist
a one, Mr. Price-a Presbyterian youth leader
a one, Mr. Hillard-a high school Choral director
The football coach for the Gamecocks (I don't really know him, but as a USC student, I feel obligated to his inclusion)


So SJK, for a living, designs trees. As far as I can tell, he designs them inside computers, for video games. This is my base understanding of the technology he uses, for all I really know, it could be small gnomes that do the work for him.

This, by far, is one of the most interesting jobs that any of my friends have. But to be honest, again, I have no clue what it entails, so it could very possibly be sludge-worthy and mundane.

It probably is safer to say that : This, by far, is one of the most interesting jobs that I tell other people that any of my friends have.

Being someone who works daily with computers outside of the realm of facebook and, SJK is fairly adept with technology, and has a super fancy computer, a televison that swivels, three or four thousand different video-game playing machines, an iphone, and probably a robot that cleans his apartment for him when he's asleep.

He lives out in Broad River Trace, where Bianca and I bike rided (bike rode? boke rided? Rode our bikes!) yesterday to pool and tan. Then we rode back on the riverwalk. It was a glorious day. I digress.

Speaking of Bianca,
SJK is currently dating my very good and best friend in Columbia, Bianca Raso. See, I can say that now, because it's up on facebook. They make a good match-for other reasons than the fact that they both have an affinity to shop at American Apparel.

SJK is a pollack. For those offended by the word pollack, I will restate. SJK is Polish.
Upon getting to know SJK my "pool of pollacks I know" has increased probably about five hundred percent. Once I knew only two pollacks. SJK and this guy named Jan straight from Poland. Now I know five. Dave Pinski, Zach Klipowicz, and Ben Klipowicz are the new additions. Two of the new pollacks are SJK's brothers, the other is his good friend. Dave carries a cigarette holder and has a handle-bar mustache.

There is one more Klipowicz brother, but I personally do not believe in his exsistence. I think the brothers made him up to have a scapegoat. Approximately a year and half of internet Myspace stalking has produced nary a picture of this elusive "fourth brother".

SJK also has superb tastes in music. He drinks higher priced liqours than I do. His couch is brown. He likes musical comedy. He has a friend named Gabby. He used to be Susan's neighbor. He illustrates Jesus comics. Has a stack of playboys in his living room. Used to be in a band called the Kings of Mexico. Has at least an 11th grade vocabulary. Seems to always have a case of Tecate in his fridge. Is from Chigaco. Smokes Camel Lights.

These are most of the things I know/assume/have gathered sneakily from the approximately year-and-a-half we've known each other. Any further inquiries into his personality can be directed toward, or on facebook-under Steven J Klipowicz.

*from here on out in the blog, this paricular Steven will be referred to as SJK