Thursday, January 8, 2009

fa la la

Not that anyone cares a flying flip about what goes on here....but yes, it's been awhile. I'm going to say "suck it." and not make apologies for my lack of blogging during the holidays because dammit, I've been busy.

Some things have happened since Thanksgiving, so, in short-

Had Christmas gatherings with the family in the far north...okay, the upstate.
I bought a new hat (it's a silly hat, very near Rastafarian, but the colors keep it from being has since become my ohjeezIcannotbelievehownastymyhairistodaythankgodI'myoungenoughtopulloffthisridiculoushat hat)
I acquired one boyfriend
I turned twenty-four
Said boyfriend made me meatloaf
Daniel came back to town
I was made an official Administrative Intern for a Children's Opera Company
I met boyfriend's mother
I made some spinach pizza
I started to re-read The Grapes of Wrath
I sang the Alto solo in the Messiah
I bartended (bartand?) on New Years at the Publick House, I am taking personal credit for the praise that Ron Aiken gave the establishment in the Free Times because I was the one pouring his drinks
Went to Garibaldi's and sat at the bar while said boyfriend made me a perfect gin martini (with a twist) while his co-workers and boss marvelled at how cute and fancy I am (I had some vintage pearl strands and a tiered gold and emerald costume piece that my dear friend G. Scott gave me with a black babydoll I bought years ago and matte legging and my superhigh wooden soled platform shoes)

That's about it, I know it's a lame recap, but I will allow my insatiable fabulousless make up for my lack of consistent communication

1 comment:

Katie Rose said...

I forgive you, mostly since I call you five times a week so I already know all this.


Oh, and also I forgive you because I haven't updated my blog lately either.


PS: my word verification for this comment is "pholo" discuss.