Thursday, January 8, 2009

et al.

I forgot the most important part of a new year blog.....the RESOLUTION.

Last year was one of two resolutions that I carried through completion.

the first was in high school, I resoluted to stop drinking dark sodas. This caused a minuscule rift between me and some friends of mine who believed I should stop drinking ALL sodas, but aside from ginger ale when I was sick, I did not consume light-colored sodas on a regular basis....hence not needing to cut them out. They thought I was a soda racist. It was not that much of a success because shortly after that year ended I realized how much I missed dark sodas and now I can't go a day without a diet coke.

Last year's resoluting was to never use plastic carry-out bags. From the store, from the Chinese takeout place, etc. etc. etc.

It totally worked. I have not used a plastic bag since December 31st 2007...huzzah Environment!

This year I have been notsoawesome with the propelling of my resolution. But the momentum of last year still has me percolatin' so I decided to continue on even if it's been a week already into the new year and I haven't done anything yet.......

whew, that's a long ellipsis for.....I am hereby resoluting to drink a helluva lot more water. And to prove it to you, I have already bought a shiny new pink and purple fancy white people aluminum water drinking bottle from Target for the absurd price of 13.99!!!

Happy New Year!

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