Monday, November 24, 2008


There are two kinds of people in this world. Those who utilize vomiting for the greater good of their bodies, and those who are so repulsed by the act that they avoid regurgitation even at their own personal discomfort.

To the latter, suck it up. (ha, ha, get the pun?) I'm a member of the first category (thanks, Mama!) and, truthfully, my chunder knows no bounds. Here's a list of places I have thrown up. Don't ask me why I thought to write about this. I'm twisted, I know........

-the Blimpies on Colonial Life Blvd.
-The College of Preachers, Washington National Cathedral in DC
-in an airplane on the way to Salzburg
-in the basement bathrooms of the hostel in Gimmelwald, Switzerland
-Manifest Discs and Tapes
-in the garden of a particularly quaint stone B&B in the north of England, somewhere around the lake district
-Wade Hampton Dormitory Bathrooms, 1st floor
-2437 Monroe Street
-1817 York Drive
-329 Piccadilly Street
-a restaurant bathroom somewhere in Bejing
-the entrance to the Carolina Colonial Cup horseracing grounds
-University of South Carolina School of Music
-on the train platform in Venice, Italy (disturbingly near some Asian schoolgirls, I might add)
-a swanky NYC apartment overlooking Washington Square in the Village

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